gap year

11 articles tagged with "gap year"

3 Practical Benefits of Taking a Gap Year Before College

A gap year is a great opportunity to gain experience, life skills, and clarity on your next steps after high school. Learn more about the benefits here.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Valuable Tips You Should Know Before Graduating High School Early

Have you ever thought about graduating high school early? There are some things this student wishes she knew before she did. Read her words of wisdom here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

Rejected From Your Favorite Colleges? Here's What You Can Do

If you’ve read too many letters from colleges that start with “We regret to inform you,” all hope is not lost! Here’s what you can do to make a new plan.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Ithaca College

3 Adventurous Gap Year Programs to Consider

Gap years are becoming more and more popular. If you're a student looking to have a unique experience before college, check out these worldly programs.

Founder, Moon Prep

What to Do When You're Not Ready for the Real World

There are a lot of things you can do after graduation to prepare you for the next step. Here are a few ways to transition between college and the working world.

Freelance Writer

Unexpected Reasons to Take a Gap Year

Considering a gap year but not sure of your "why?" It might be one of these two unexpected reasons.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

My Teen Doesn't Want to Go to College: What Can I Do?

Having your teen declare they don't want to go to college can be difficult for parents who want the best for their kids. Here's how to handle it.

by , and

Top 6 Things to Do While You're Studying Abroad in College

Many college students lose track of what to do and how to make the most of their time abroad. Be sure you fit in these six experiences during your trip!

Travel Writer

Great Alternative Paths If Your Student Isn't Interested in College

A traditional college education isn't the only option for students—and it's okay if they don't want it! Here are other options for you to explore together.


Should I Take Time Off Before Graduate School?

Getting into grad school isn't easy, and paying for is more of a challenge. Taking a year off first might be smart. Here's some expert advice to consider.


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