student life

389 articles tagged with "student life"

How to Find Your Friend Group in College

Whether you’re a first-year, transfer, or returning student, check out this great advice on how to find the people you want to be friends with in college!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

7 Exciting Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday as a Student

Your birthday is the perfect chance to do something out of the ordinary! Check out these fun ideas to celebrate your special day in high school or college.


7 Personal Goals to Make a Real Environmental Impact

Making an environmental impact as a student isn't hard with some daily personal habit changes. Here are seven goals to incorporate into your routine.

Managing Editor, Body+Mind

An Honest Mental Health Review and Student Resources for Success

We surveyed 600+ students about mental health and their access to assistance at school. Here's an infographic of what we found, plus resources to share.


How Clothes Can Boost Your Self-Confidence in College

Fashion plays a big role in many students' lives, and it can be a major source of self-comfort. Here's how you can find your style and your confidence.

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Excellent College Extracurriculars for Black Students and Allies

Searching for college activities that support the Black student experience? This list of clubs, organizations, and networks is just scratching the surface!

Director of Content, CollegeXpress

College Expectations: Why It's Important to Personalize Your Own Experience

Your college life doesn’t have to include the stereotypical campus experience. Everyone is different and should set their own expectations. Here’s how!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

How to Optimize Your Sleep While Living in a Dorm

Dorm life isn't always conducive to rest. With academic stress and loud roommates, you may be in for a long semester. Improve your sleep with this advice!

Freelance Writer

A Student’s Quick Guide to Master Digital Decluttering

Digital clutter may not seem like a big deal, but too much on your laptop or phone can hinder productivity. Learn how to clean up your digital space now.

Managing Editor,

Mental Health and Discrimination: Facts, Resources, and Advice for Students

Connections between mental health, discrimination, and college students cannot be denied. Learn how you can find support and promote inclusivity on campus.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Elizabethtown College

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